How To Radiate Inner Self Confidence
Author: Adrian Gunter
We would all love to able to radiate inner self confidence-that feeling of being at one with one’s-self, one’s surroundings and one’s fellow human beings. Such feelings tend to create an air of charisma and poise that most of us would like to possess but find difficult to achieve.
The rare people that we come across who seem to have these qualities naturally are the type of person that seems to be able to accomplish whatever it is they set their minds to with relative ease, unconcerned with the notion of possible failure, such is their inner self confidence.
Now whilst a sense of inner self confidence is not something we are born with it is certainly something that we can learn if we practice, and the more we practice, the more powerful our self confidence will become.
So what practical steps can we take to instill confidence and a sense of empowerment in our lives?
Spend some time getting to know yourself.
Do some thinking about what makes you “you”. You can also learn a lot more about who you are by getting out in the world and doing things. Meet people, take up hobbies, volunteer — you’ll discover much about the world and reinforce your own sense of self at the same time. When you use your natural talents and work in harmony with others to help them realize their goals, great discoveries about who you are can result. Get involved in your life!
Live in the moment.
The more time you spend dwelling on past events and problems or worrying about the future, the more of the present you are wasting. Life is for living NOW, and you should get out there and embrace all it offers.
Associate with people who affirm who you are.
Do you have relationships with people who criticize you or make you feel small? Maybe you associate, out of habit, with people who really deep down you have never really fitted in with? Take a good long look at the people you surround yourself with and how they affect your self-esteem.
Reject the idea of perfectionism.
There is a high correlation between people obsessed with perfectionism and low self-esteem issues. The more you strive to be perfect, the more frustrated you become when you realize it’s impossible! Try to subdue any perfectionist tendencies you have and let them go.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
You may look at someone and think they have something you don’t, but the fact is they may be looking at you and thinking the very same thing. We all have our own unique talents and are all better at something than someone else.
Act and be assertive.
When you’re feeling insecure or doubting your abilities, don’t hide away. Take a deep breath, get out there, and do the very things you’re unsure about … even if you have to start small. Your inner self confidence will build over time the more and bigger new challenges you take on. Low self-esteem often leads to lack of assertiveness; and when we don’t voice what we want and need, we end up feeling worse about who we are. If you really believe in something, speak up and get your point across. The potential rewards for doing this will far outweigh the awkwardness you may feel. Don’t be put off by negative reactions to what you say or do-you are not here to please everyone. You’re happiness comes before anyone else’s.
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About the Author
Adrian Gunter dedicates his life to helping people overcome self confidence and negativity issues and shows them easy to use ways for becoming whoever they want. For a no cost video explaining step-by-step methods for removing negative thought patterns visit