Could You Work for Yourself?
Author: Paul Buchanan
It’s a question a lot of people have been asking themselves of late. The recession has seen many people lose their jobs and one of the main ways they have got back into earning again is to start a business of their own.
But could you actually do it? It might seem to be the perfect solution if you are having trouble finding another position, or you simply don’t like the work you are doing now. But working in your own business requires a whole set of skills and abilities not everyone has. How do you find out whether you have what it takes to set up and run a successful business of some kind?
First of all you have to be honest with yourself. It is easy to sit in an office, working for a horrible boss, thinking that you would be so much better on your own. But if you did take the plunge you would have to take responsibility for a lot of things you currently leave to other people to do.
For example, you would have to start doing your own accounts for the business. You would need to know how to find clients on a regular basis. You would have to find either a range of products to sell or a service to offer, depending on what field you decided to go into. As you can see, it isn’t always as easy as you might think to successfully work on your own.
There is also the question of losing the camaraderie you get with your work colleagues every day. Of course you won’t have to deal with those people you don’t like any more either! But even if you end up employing other people it won’t be the same as being on level pegging with your work mates. Could you really handle the perks and the downsides of being your own boss?
Discipline is another big problem for some people who take the plunge without thinking it through first. Some people are highly self motivated and find it easy to get started every morning – even when they don’t have someone looking over their shoulder or checking their watch to ensure they turn up to work on time. If you aren’t able to get started easily you need to think about whether you are going to be able to make your own business work. It won’t work unless you have the motivation to work as well.
You also have to get everything set up properly – find office space or work from home, get a business phone line installed and make sure you have all the equipment you need. Could you do this easily enough?
Hopefully you will now have some idea of whether you are the ideal person to work for yourself. If you are, enjoy the journey ahead.
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About the Author
Paul is a part of the digital blogging team at who work with brands like BT. For more information about me, or to keep up to date with the latest in retail news, check out my posts at or visit my Twitter account, @shoutingID.