Do Humans Seek and Create Meaning (Part 4)?
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It is through our perception and connection with all life that we can experience meaning and have a fulfilling life.

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Simple Tips for How to Increase Your Patience

Submitted by on April 8, 2012 – 10:40 pmNo Comment

Author: Trevor Johnson

Before we first of all understand how to increase your patience, it is important we know what the word itself means. Patience is normally used to mean a state of endurance when confronted by a difficult circumstance, which could be persevering in the face of delay, provocation without developing feelings of anger or irritation in a rather negative way. Or it could simply mean the degree of endurance of a person before he or she can have negativity influence her. The synonym for patience is forbearing.

Causes of impatience

Some religious scriptures paint patience as a virtue. But what would make one lose this virtue?

Impatience could be due to waiting for something to turn up or to happen for some time but in the end it does not.

For instance, when you are out for a date and you don’t find the other person there; you lie in wait hoping they will turn up. Patience however begins to run out as time elapses and if the other person does not show up, you lose your patience and feelings of anger, resentment and frustration may close in on you.

That is the same for someone who has been waiting for a promotion at the work place. When it dawns on them that promotion is not likely to happen anytime soon, they might become impatient.

Impatience is normally accompanied by feelings of resentment, anger and negativity in general. Such feelings trust me; do not produce a desirable outcome. That is why I will take you through tips on how to increase your patience.

Tip 1 – try to figure out what exactly causes you to lose patience. To reduce the frequency with which you lose patience, it is vital to be aware of what causes it. As this would help you avoid such situations or occurrences and if you cannot avoid them totally it will help you to sit down and plan a strategy and how to deal with your patience when it comes to a particular issue.

Tip 2 – try and figure out why you are always in a hurry – impatience is actually having no time to wait for something to happen. But why don’t you find time. Perhaps while waiting for something, it is important that you get your mind off that thing by concentrating on something else different.

Tip 3 – gauge the reactions of others to your way of interaction with them. Do you put fear in them such that they hesitate to approach you? At this, learning the shortcomings of you losing patience and how it negatively impacts those around you will give you the will to increase your patience to create a good environment for others.

Tip 4 – ask people around you what your sign language for impatience is. By learning how you show impatience, you will learn to suppress these body signs and language when you are confronted by impatience and by doing this you will learn to control impatience.

They say patience is a virtue and lack of it can break your life. This calls for the need to have it. Generally you can increase your patience by trying not to lose it in the first place.

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About the Author

Get more ideas on how to increase your patience and check out these ways to increase your patience.

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