The Simplest Tips To Develop Creativity
Author: Ryan Biddulph
Do you want to develop creativity? Follow these 3 tips to foster creativity immediately.
This is a simple one. Adopt the creativity of others. A few of my best ideas were spin-off’s. Pick up an idea and put your spin on it. In some cases it’s fine to reinvent the wheel. In others it makes the most sense to adopt and tailor a successful idea. Great minds have thought up creative ways to tackle issues in the past. Tap into their wisdom by becoming a voracious reader.
What if you have writer’s block? You caused it. Let go of it. The flood of creative ideas flows forever to you. Tap into it by sitting in a quiet room. When the ideas arrive practice writing. Don’t play by the rules. Convention says to write 1 blog post a day but conventional thinking doesn’t create world famous people. If you want to be creative start writing and don’t stop. Practice every day. Over time it becomes easier to find your writing style and the creativity flows. This happens after weeks and months of writing on a daily basis.
Encounter Adversity
Not something that you want to seek out, I know. Experiencing adversity has been my #1 creativity booster by far. It’s funny how quickly writer’s block dissolves when you have no choice but to write 20 articles in a day. When the money is running out, when you don’t where you’re going to live and when you buy off of the $1 stand at Walgreens for weeks on end you never have a problem finding creative ideas. Most geniuses were driven by hardship. Man is too lazy on his own. He needs the universe to administer a white-hot poker to his rear in order to get him agitated, off-balance and ready to create something amazing for humanity.
How do you develop creativity?
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