7 Simple Ways To Connect To Your Inner Bohemian
Author: Ayngel Overson
“I love waking up in the morning not knowing what I’m gonna do or who I’m gonna meet. Just the other day I was sleeping under a bridge, and here I am today, on the grandest ship in the world, drinking champagne with you fine folks.” -Jack Dawson (Titanic)
That could very well be the Bohemian motto. Beautiful in its simplicity, it is a vision of the life that is possible when you let go of the things valued by most of society and look inside of yourself.
Most of us however do not have the luxury of being able to live such a life, as beautiful as it may sound, it doesn’t really translate into the long term. How many of us can seriously consider selling all of our worldly possessions to backpack around the world?
So how can we bring the beauty of Bohemian living into our more traditional lifestyles?
1. Take time to appreciate the true beauty in the world around you.
There is no better way to experience beauty than by connecting yourself to nature. For some that might mean spending a weekend in the great outdoors. Spending some time in the park just enjoying the wonder of nature is another wonderful way to connect. Don’t forget to take some nature home with you, plants, tabletop fountains, and posters can help you simulate natural surroundings.
2. Express yourself in whatever form leaves you feeling fulfilled.
You are far more than what lies on the surface. For me that is writing, but there are infinite ways to express that deeper you within. If you have ever had the desire to create, why not start. It doesn’t have to be professional quality as long as it expresses something inside of yourself. Pick up your tool of choice and create something that signifies YOU.
3. Do something spontaneous.
We spend a lot of time learning to control ourselves and our impulses, but there is a tremendous freedom in just letting all of that go and just doing whatever comes to mind. Have you ever wanted to just jump in the lake with all of your clothes on? Splash in a mud puddle? Dance in the rain? Stop worrying about how silly you will look, or how you will clean up the mess and just do it. It feels GREAT!
4. Tell people what you are feeling when you are feeling it.
Have you ever had a spontaneous burst of emotion and suppressed it? Why? If you think someone has a pretty smile, tell them. When you look at someone you love and felt emotion flood through your body, say so. Not only does it make you feel good, you pass that feeling on to another. Be sincere in all you do, and you will find rewards you never expected.
5. Be true to your beliefs and values.
Artistic integrity is a rare commodity, but then again so is integrity in general. Your values and beliefs are a part of you, and should never be compromised for the sake of fitting in. If someone asks you to do something that goes against your very nature, you aren’t going to feel very good about yourself if you give in no matter what rewards are promised.
6. Stand up for something you believe in.
Everyone has a cause near and dear to their heart. It may be abused and neglected animals, domestic abuse victims, environmental responsibility, or the homeless. Whatever it is find a way to get involved on the front lines of the fight. A lot of people say they support this cause or that, but very few actually do anything besides talk. Even a few hours a week can make a huge difference.
7. Support the arts and education.
History has proven over and over that societies who neglect arts and education soon perish. Yet slowly the arts are being removed from our schools, all over the country funds are being cut and the first programs to go are those that offer the most hope for our future.
We have more access now than ever to fine arts, theater, and literature. It is all just a click away thanks to the internet. Don’t rely on the education system to expose you, or your children to the arts, go out and find it on your own, share it with your children. Help others learn to appreciate it as well.
You don’t have to trade your business suits for tie-dye shirts and love beads to be a true Bohemian. Anyone who is willing to make even a small difference in the world around them, challenge the status quo, head up a worthy cause, and be true to themselves deserves the title. It isn’t what you look like, or how you live that makes you a Bohemian, its all in your attitude and what you do with it.
Viva La Vie Boheme
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/7-simple-ways-to-connect-to-your-inner-bohemian-835469.html
About the Author
I’m a slightly snarky, fully passionate, Bohemian freethinker and idealist. Writing is just one of my many passions. My goal is not to tell you WHAT to think, just to give you things to think about. To challenge you to use your own mind, if you don’t then somebody else will.
The Sugar Patch
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