Carpe Diem-Seize The Day
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Author: Karen Lynch
Many of us tend to get caught up in the waiting game. We are waiting and waiting for something to happen so we can start living our lives.
We are waiting for company to come for dinner before we use that fine china. We are waiting to meet our soul mate before we can be happy. We are waiting to lose weight before we go to the beach. We are waiting for the promotion before we take that vacation with our family. We are waiting and waiting to start the new hobby, to write the book, to begin painting, to get in shape, to start the new business, to do whatever. We are waiting and waiting and some of us never stop playing the waiting game.
But life is what’s happening right now. While you are stuck playing the waiting game, your life is passing you by. If it’s important and you really want to do it, do it now. Don’t wait. Seize the Day!
Our lives keep going whether we are waiting for something or not. Our children grow up, our hair begins to turn gray and when we look in the mirror our faces show the lines that come from the years. Life as we know it can change in an instant, as many Americans are painfully aware due to events of the past few years.
Your life may be different tomorrow. The world may be different tomorrow.
So far, the future cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy. Do you want to live your life playing “the waiting game” or do you want to live?
So make a commitment to yourself that you are not going to wait. Do what you want to do and do it today. Your dreams and aspirations will become reality if you take action today. But if you keep playing the waiting game you will look back on your life with regrets. We rarely regret the actions we take regardless of how they turn out but we often regret the things we didn’t do, the things we dreamed of but never took action on, the things we wished we had done. Nobody wants to look back on their life and say “I wish I would have” or “if I had my life to live over again I would have…”.
You don’t get another today. Your life is now. Take action on your dreams and goals today. Tell the people you love that you love them. Get out that fine china and enjoy a meal, plan your vacation, slip on that bathing suit and go frolic at the beach, dance and sing like nobody is watching because today is your life, not tomorrow or the next day or next year. Today is your life.
Take action towards your goals today. Don’t wait for a special occasion, make today special.
Carpe Diem—Seize the Day!
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About the Author
You can find As A Man Thinketh and other amazing books at Karen Lynch’s inspiring website LivethePower. Enjoy the beautiful presentation at the website.