Accepting or Resisting Change For Handling Stress
Author: Marco Auciello
When we resist changes in our lives, we feel a mild level of stress such as when a daily routine is altered. Naturally, if it’s a big change, then we have a higher level of stress.
Of course, some change is pleasant. For example, a beautiful girl smiles at you. Or, a handsome guy pays you a compliment? Then, your situation has changed! You feel energy flood your system. You get excited about the possibilities and the energy flood is a positive one. You like the interaction.
You perceive the situation as positive. You want it and so you accept it.
This is stress but it is positive stress. Your perception makes it positive and the energy flood becomes exhilaration. As exhilaration this energy can be very healthy and beneficial!
What is the lesson in the smile of a pretty woman or the compliment from a handsome man? The lesson is that your mind makes a decision that one stress is good and another is not. In the good stress situation you go with the flow.You accept it. In the bad stress situation you resist.
In both situations you get the natural reaction to stress—the adrenaline rush and hormone changes. But there is an additional subset of activity going on in the body during stress. One subset leads to exhilaration and another to resistance.
Let’s look at resistance— a situation in which we want to resist the change because we don’t like it. For example, your boss suddenly targets you with negative attention…
You start resisting what is happening around you and inside you because it feels out of control. You’re thinking “I don’t want this!” but it’s happening anyway.
You have a mental resistance that flips the situation from positive to negative. You resist the flow. But your solution is not about you just going with the flow when things go awry at work.
The solution is in understanding the mental dynamics behind negative stress. That understanding will help you find a solution and is more important.
Back to the roller coaster.
Do you want to be on it or not? Do you want the ride to continue or not? If you’re on it, you’re on it. It will continue until it stops.
If your boss is giving you negative attention, your boss is giving you negative attention! It will continue until it stops.
Your dilemma is this: does your mind resist what is actually happening? Do you focus on how out of control of the situation you are? Or do you go with the flow, accept that it’s here for better or for worse, and work with it?
This takes us to a very important principle:
What you resist will persist. What you accept, you gain the power to transform.
So when you’re on that roller coaster ride and you know you can’t get off it, you might as well accept that it’s happening. Then and only then do you get a chance to do something about it. You get to choose how you deal with it. You have a sense of control firmly in hand.
Likewise, with the unwelcome attention from your boss…if you resist by saying “this can’t be happening, I wish this wasn’t happening…I’ll pretend it’s not happening and it will go away”…The negative stress levels rise. A sense of control slips out of your fingers.
If you accept your situation…the situation not the behavior of the people in the situation, you can focus on finding a solution.
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About the Author
Marco Auciello has been a Melbourne hypnotherapist for years and he dives more deeply into the problem of stress and how it manifests itself. On his website there is a module called Stress Success where you will learn how to developed a protective shield that makes you virtually invulnerable to the damaging effects of stress. You will develop the ability to always have that clear, calm, focused mind you need for success. No matter what the situation is, you will always know exactly the right thing to do. He also has a free download manual on how to be more successful in life: If you want the best Melbourne hypnotherapy, come visit Marco.