Giving and Taking Thanks
As much as we have we sometimes forget how good we got it. It seems that our society has evolved to the notion of we can never have enough. There is always something more to have which paradoxically increases our want and decreases our sense of internal wholeness at the same time.
If we were to look simply at the good in our lives, the things that are readily available for appreciation we can feel complete in who we are.
We live in a free country that still accepts the weary, weak and tired. We offer sanctuary for people to find a home, a job and raise a family. In America, the Third World visitor immediately sees things differently. They experience wonder and delight. We sometimes don’t see the things that others find amazement in. The American supermarket is beyond belief for those who have gone without. There are endless aisles of anything and everything you can eat this Thanksgiving and any day for that matter.
You may think the above sounds funny, however some countries even today lack just these conveniences. America creates a good life for the ordinary and average person. People struggle in Third World countries just to survive. Although we are in a “depression” as bad as the Great Depression, there are no frail people standing in food lines here.
You, America are why we are the way we are. It is our dedication and commitment in our way of life that allows all of us to believe in possibilities.
So America, while giving thanks this Thanksgiving for all we have, remember to give yourself a pat on the back and take thanks for being a part of making our country what it is today.
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