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Article #533
There is a snowball effect: Bad mood = Worrying = Lack of Sleep = Poor Decision Making Ability. Bad moods seem to instigate negative, fearful and self-deprecating thoughts. We tend to compare ourselves to others. Work becomes even more difficult. You do not see any opportunity and often perceive that others have it easy. A bad mood can set limitations that do not really exist. Your understanding of mood can change your perception of the tasks in front you. Here are 12 ways to change your mood.
Article #532
For some men out there women are seen as people who need to be saved or rescued from what is taking place in their lives. And so it doesn’t matter how big or small these women’s challenges are, as this type of man is only too happy to get involved.
Post #531
Friday Video: TED Talk – Russell Foster is a circadian neuroscientist: He studies the sleep cycles of the brain. And he asks: What do we know about sleep?
Article #530
Our ability to concentrate and focus is like a muscle that is strengthened through exercise. Jumping from one task to the next is less productive.
Article #529
Successful people embrace change. They understand that everything around them changes, all of the time and they adapt accordingly. Although change can be exciting, it can also be fearful and a bit overwhelming. When change happens you have two choices: Accept it or resist it. The choice is yours. What is stopping you from reaching for that brass ring?
Article #528
Men can be reluctant to get married. In fact some of them want to stay single. When it comes to the reasons men act this way, they can vary from guy to guy. Here are the many reasons guys want to stay single.
Article #527
One may experience the end of a relationship without experiencing too much pain or they could experience immense pain and suffering when a relationship comes to an end. It could then be hard to comprehend what is taking place and why this person is having this affect.
Post #526
Friday Video: Eckhart Tolle – Is the desire to take personal responsibility for things in life up to each of us? What is our “responsibility”?
Article #525
It is often said that ‘Actions speak louder than words’ and while this saying has been around for a very long time, it doesn’t mean that this advice is always followed. At times, it can be difficult to pay attention to anything but the words that are being spoken.
Article #524
Nature has shaped mankind to live together, build relationships and depend on others. Without a shoulder to cry on or a friend to celebrate with, the life as we know it will lose all its importance and meaning. Events would be dull and grey if we didn’t have anyone to share love, happiness, kindness, sadness and much more.