Articles in Confidence Building

People like people who like life. It’s that simple. Sometimes we misinterpret what success is, and sometimes we put success in front of happiness.

Let’s face it, there will always be things we fear in life. Some of us fear the obvious “biggies” like heights, spiders, fires or flying. However, many of us develop fears around things that shouldn’t hinder us, but often do. Do you fear rejection? Taking risks? Failure? Success? All of us…

A mistake is the attempt to do something that gives unexpected results – that do not satisfy your goal. Mistakes are not a bad thing, they are the highlights of our growth and learning as well as the leading cause of invention and innovation.

Diana Gardner Robinson Ph.D. offers some reassurances and ways to plan ahead so as to not feel guilty.

Friday Video: In telling the story of the whaleship Essex, novelist Karen Thompson Walker shows how fear propels imagination, as it forces us to imagine the possible futures and how to cope with them.

Your level of self-esteem affects how you perceive everything and perhaps especially how you perceive your partner. Your perceptions of your partner have important consequences for how fulfilling and lasting your relationship will be.

We would all love to able to radiate inner self confidence-that feeling of being at one with one’s-self, ones surroundings and ones fellow human beings. Such feelings tend to create an air of charisma and poise that most of us would like to possess but find difficult to achieve.

Does having a high IQ score guarantee success in later life? No, it doesn’t! It doesn’t even guarantee success in school.

Personal responsibility is the most important ethic you can exercise. With the cultivation of personal responsibility comes growth in all areas of life. It is a matter of taking charge of your own self and your circumstances through well-directed thoughts, words, and deeds.

Do you believe the law of attraction is real? Our thoughts simply do create our reality. Think about all of your experiences. It’s basic science that what we believe becomes our basic perception in life, and our experience.