Articles in Confidence Building

Are you a woman who has it all? Are you doing what you love and getting recognized for it? Do you have a super career, outstanding personal relationships, and feel healthy and confident? If you do, congratulations! If you don’t, no need to worry because there is a way to influence what you deserve. The good news is you have the potential to make it happen.

Fear has a way of injecting psychological toxins into our subconscious that acts like a handcuff, restraining our ability to achieve our goals. Although the fear may be perceived, it seems so real. This perceived fear plays games with our minds, robbing us of any rational thoughts we need to cherish in order to move ahead.

In a world of instant gratification, people jump from “stimulus” to “response” without as much as a second thought. Patience is the “pause” in between that allows us to get the result we are really looking for. Here’s how to develop more patience in you.

It doesn’t have to be a life shattering change to make you happier, nor do you have to go back to school or be a rocket scientist. Happiness is indeed a very personal state without comparison. Sometimes we overlook the very thing we love to do and at the same time be a benefit to others.

This article will share with you some great tips on how to become an assertive person.

Living for life is living in perspective. The art of living well is to change your perspective in order to change your own perception of your life problems. Living in perspective is mind over matter.

It really comes down to this; when you talk and behave like someone with confidence, you feel more confident. As you continue to feel more confident, your perception of “self” changes, and perception is where beliefs come from.

“I can’t make any money doing this.” “This is too good to be true.” “Maybe I just don’t have what it takes to do this.” “I’m never going to figure this out.” “I guess I’m not going to find something I’m passionate about.” “I’m not sure any more that I really want to do this.” “I’ve…

Learning that the buck stops with you and learning to take responsibility for your own actions is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Some fear that if we accept ourselves as we are, that we will have no motive to improve ourselves.