Articles in Decision Making
Your life at this moment is the product of every decision you have made along the way – both big ones and small ones. Are you overwhelmed by the decisions facing you? There are some basic principles to keep in mind when making decisions.
What exactly does this word mean? Some say that it is a lost art, that in today’s society there is no such thing. Shall we bury it or resurrect it from the dead?
If you want to lose weight, pay off your credit card, or get organized, you have a bigger decision to make.
The important question is ‘why are we not ourselves?’ What is the pay off for not being ourselves? Ahhh, now we’re talking.
Aggressive body language whether it be passive or combative is never pleasant to be around, especially if you are the person on the receiving end. And while some people deal with angst and frustration better than others, no matter how mature or evolved we think we are, we have all participated in, or being aggressive in nature at some point in our lives.
The following 13 tips are designed to help you make powerful and effective decisions.
Humans are emotional beings and not logical beings and so we are driven by how we feel about things.
Optimist: There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Pessimist: Come again? Didn’t I just tell you how bad everything is?
Our society has swung back and forth between authoritarian and permissive parenting and the result of both is far less than desirable.
This article cannot only be applied to sports, but also to any area peak performance is needed. Sports Psychology is about improving your attitude and mental game skills to help you perform your best by identifying limiting beliefs and embracing a healthier philosophy about your sport. Below is a list of the top ten ways that you can benefit from sports psychology: