Articles in Goal Setting
Have you considered what your deeper purpose in life is? There seems to be a growing interest among many people as to know the answer to the question, “Why am I here?” There has been a lot of talk about purpose in life, and what most people have been discussing has to do with their personality’s purpose rather than their soul’s purpose.
Friday Video: Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that make us do what we do.
When you improve self confidence you increase your chance of success in everything you do. A confident person will show it by the way they walk, talk and smile. Self confidence is one of the most important qualities somebody can have. It shows that you have faith in in your own abilities.
Many successful businesses were started by first time entrepreneurs who never went to college. Natural talent, ambition, drive, determination, and good old dumb luck have fueled many success entrepreneurs, myself included.
Self-Esteem (SE) is your child’s internal barometer as to how they see themselves. It is the core value or worth they place upon themselves. SE is the primary resource affecting the degree of happiness or unhappiness, success or failure your child will experience in the world.
If you desire to have good time management then you need to have a strategy or an action plan. Following these strategies will help you get the most out of your days.
Oh sure! You can find the wrong person on every block. But how do you find the right person? Simple. Know Yourself.
Friday Video: Wayne Dyer humorously explains what we sometimes do to solve our problems.”When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer
One of the biggest roadblocks to achieving goals and realizing success in life is a feeling of helplessness. So many people go through life assuming that they can do nothing about their circumstances and simply wait around until someone else intervenes and make things better.
Many parents, and indeed instructors, don’t have a clue how the emotional state of learners can affect how well they integrate information. In this excerpt from his book on accelerated learning, Brian Walsh gives us a peek at this rarely-considered factor.