Articles in Happiness
Friday Video: TED Talk – As Lisa Bu adjusted to a new life in the United States, she turned to books to expand her mind and create a new path for herself.
Children smile about 400 times a day. Some 67 percent of adults smile less than 20 times a day.
Yes, it is true. Just one good joke in a day can actually relieve a high amount of stress, and make your hormones come to their normal levels despite all the anxiety and pressures of the professional life.
Friday Video: TED Talk – Noting that money cannot make us happy, Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of “flow.”
Perhaps you are going through one of the most difficult times of your life right now, whether it’s financial, personal, or whatever. It is a problem and you need to solve it. Sometimes this requires a total change in our thinking.
Universally, women are regarded as inferior. It’s a challenge for women to find self-acceptance, balance in their lives, and autonomy in their relationships. Developing good self-esteem is the key.
When more than one person wants the same thing, the result is competition. If you’re a person who fears competition, you must let this fear go, because competition is not only inevitable, but is part of human nature.
Sometimes people influence how we live our lives without us even being aware of it. Are you independent?
You bet it does! Having just completed another grueling semester in my clinical psychology program I wanted to share some very valuable insights I discovered about anger. I understand this is not something we like to focus on.