Articles in Headline
Post #798
Friday Video: TED Talk – Why is there something instead of nothing? In other words: Why does the universe exist (and why are we in it)? Philosopher and writer Jim Holt follows this question toward three possible answers. Or four. Or none.
Article #797
Playing the “victim” gets a bad rap in pop psychology circles. We have all been truly victimized in our lives at some point or another, but playing the victim is different from that in that it means that we’re looking outside of ourselves and are helpless in the face of…
Article #796
Before I get into the 3 easy steps to fixing your relationship with your ex, I’ll rapidly cover the methods that rarely ever work.
Article #795
“Would you consider yourself someone with high self esteem, or low self esteem?” The natural reaction when asked a question like this may well be “high self esteem of course!”, but the truth may paint a very different picture.
Article #794
Creative problem solving doesn’t require genius intelligence. This simple technique will help you generate creative solutions easily.
Article #793
The word “success” gets thrown around a lot, but many people never really think about what it means to be successful. Is success something that happens? Is it experienced? Is success static or in motion?
Post #792
Friday Video: TED Talk – Author Isabel Allende is 71. Yes, she has a few wrinkles—but she has incredible perspective too. In this candid talk, meant for viewers of all ages, she talks about her fears as she gets older and shares how she plans to keep on living passionately.
Article #791
Many relationships breakup because the lovers blame the other for their own mistakes. Relationships are easily repaired if each is able to recognize and correct their own deficiencies in the relationship. Correct yourself first before you attempt to “fix” your lover and your love life will again blossom!
Article #790
Since the end of August, I’m sure there are many people out there like myself who are surprised that the end of the summer is coming fast upon us! I want to share with you the #1 tip to help time slow down a bit so we can appreciate it and feel more in control of it.
Article #789
Fear is the critical voice in our head saying: “You’ll never succeed, so why try?”. Fear makes us listen to those voices and give up before we’ve even started.