Articles in Headline
Post 778
Friday Video: TED Talk – What is your definition of power? How do you, as Bill Gates puts it, “show up for life.” Too many Americans are profoundly illiterate in power. How does this affect each of us personally in the bigger picture? As a result of this power illiteracy, some believe their lot is what they deserve; they continue to let others make decisions for them…they choose to opt out through willful ignorance.
Article #777
Stress is everywhere. From taking a test to dealing with a cranky customer service representative, dealing with the loss of a loved one, stress is impossible to avoid. It can be acute, such as the stress that occurs in the face of immediate danger, or it can be chronic when a person is dealing with a long-term stressful situation.
Article #776
To help you find greater clarity toward achieving what matters most to you, carefully consider how you can begin to implement some or all of the following 9 key action steps for a successful mindset. Once you realize the potential impact these points can have in your life, you will certainly want to make them a part of your everyday action plan for success.
Article #775
You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. Other relationships are tense, adversarial, problematic, strained, and exhausting. You don’t like, or avoid, spending time with the people who drain your life energy. The funny thing is that all of your relationships, good and bad, are a reflection of you!
Article #774
You might find this a bit of a silly question, but a close look at the statistics will show you that the competition for what kills more people isn’t even close.
Post #773
Friday Video: TED Talk – In this engaging talk, Joi Ito, the head of the MIT Media Lab skips the future predictions and instead shares a new approach to creating in the moment: building quickly and improving constantly, without waiting for permission or for proof that you have the right idea.
Article #772
Many feelings masquerade as love; dependency, attachment and possessiveness are just a few. Below I have offered several touchstones to love, which are touchstones to help you separate counterfeit love from the real thing. To begin, we will first look at some needs and patterns inside people that keeps them from really being with other people, and potential mates, in front of them.
Article #771
You were sent to earth with a mission to fulfill. This mission has to do with your passion. If you want to be happy and fulfilled with enthusiasm, you have to discover what your mission is and organize your life and activities in function of your mission.
Article #770
Do you want to be successful? Since you’re reading this article, it’s pretty much a given that the answer will be, yes! Success can be defined in a myriad of ways. If we’re not conscious about it, we can get caught up in someone else’s definition of success.
Article #769
Your relationships are both an expression of yourself and an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Your relationships should be the most important thing in your life. But are they?