Articles in Headline
Article #739
Procrastination is unfortunately something that a lot of us suffer from regularly, whether it’s just an occasional ‘put off ‘til tomorrow’ or a recurrent lack of drive and motivation. Procrastination can often hold us back from what we really want in life, and unfortunately, it’s something that can crop up at any time of life, no matter who you are.
Article #738
The home inside you is a protected space. Keep it free from people parasites. These are persons who would love to enter and feed off of you. Don’t let that happen. This is your home to be your haven free from disruption.
Post #737
Friday Video: According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, feminism is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.” That’s it. That’s all it is. Some of you might be saying to yourselves, “But don’t feminists want to destroy us all and hate men and eat babies and stuff?” To which I respond: I think you are confusing feminism with Dr. Evil.
Article #736
When you feel empowered you can accomplish anything you desire. Empowerment for women doesn’t mean you have to burn your bra or spit at the end of the bar. It doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or stare down the nearest competitor with vigor. But there are a few things you can do to set yourself on the road to empowerment.
Article #735
One might think that all people have creative abilities since we are all children of the universe. And to push that point further, our ultimate creation is each other.
Article #734
There are lots of excuses for not exercising and getting into shape. Here are some of the lamest excuses to not exercise.
Article #733
I have been studying Personal Development for quite some time now, and within that time, I have learned just how out of touch I was from my real self. When I say my “real self” I mean the person I am capable of becoming vs. the person I accepted myself to be. Gradually as I delved further into developing personally I began to see the lies I have been accepting as truth, and/or accepting as the norm.
Post #732
Friday Video: TED Talk – The premise of his current research — that our assumptions about what will make us happy are often wrong — is supported with clinical research drawn from psychology and neuroscience. But his delivery is what sets him apart. His engaging — and often hilarious — style pokes fun at typical human behavior and invokes pop-culture references everyone can relate to.
Article #731
Are women a mystery? Is it really so hard to know what they want and give it to them? Follow the following 7 tips and you’ll be as popular as Mel Gibson or George Clooney.