Articles in Inspirational
If you want to lose weight, pay off your credit card, or get organized, you have a bigger decision to make.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you?
The important question is ‘why are we not ourselves?’ What is the pay off for not being ourselves? Ahhh, now we’re talking.
Humans are emotional beings and not logical beings and so we are driven by how we feel about things.
The trick is to transport your mind and spiritual being into another dimension. This is very often done through art and the power it possesses.
Most of us have a friend or have knowledge of someone that is known for his or her humor. They are fun to be with and we should always remember to share our chuckling with them.
George Bernard Shaw once said that if you find something funny, search it for hidden truth. Here are few pearls of wisdom packaged in humour.
Optimist: There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Pessimist: Come again? Didn’t I just tell you how bad everything is?
This article cannot only be applied to sports, but also to any area peak performance is needed. Sports Psychology is about improving your attitude and mental game skills to help you perform your best by identifying limiting beliefs and embracing a healthier philosophy about your sport. Below is a list of the top ten ways that you can benefit from sports psychology:
We all have questions about our lives, directions, and destinies. It is the curiosity of the unknown that intrigues us to “ask” of the future. The future is not “written in stone”, but is instead “etched on a napkin” based on the events of the present.