Articles in Leadership
Post #902
Friday Video: TED Talk – What’s the secret to unlocking the creativity hidden inside your daily work, and giving every great idea a chance? Harvard professor Linda Hill, co-author of “Collective Genius,” has studied some of the world’s most creative companies to come up with a set of tools and tactics to keep great ideas flowing — from everyone in the company, not just the designated “creatives.”
Article #889
In daily life, we come across many words. Some words leave a lasting impression on our mind. Here is a compilation of 16 awesome quotes by some famous people that never fail to inspire me or anyone, for that matter.
Article #881
Have you ever watched five-year-olds at play? They are curious and highly creative in their games. They don’t know yet, what they don’t know. Their creative limits have no bounds; no one has told them that they can’t do something. They’re fearless explorers, artists, or musicians; some are even comedians in the making. They have not yet been pressured to conform and they think they can do anything and that nothing is beyond their capabilities.
Article #872
Everyone wants to be treated with respect, but respect means different things to different people.
Article #863
Our bodies send messages that speak volumes about us–what we are feeling and thinking at the time, how comfortable and professional we appear. Learn more about our body language and gestures and what we can do to improve the “look.”
Article #837
When people are pursuing goals, the initial excitement can fade quickly if the process turns out to be especially difficult or long term. Discouragement and the tendency to give up can set in quickly. However, the number one trait of successful people is persistence, a “bull dog” attitude of…
Article #821
Recently my single friend, Tobe, was recalling a story of his current wife, Jen, of 15 years. She told of how the two first met. Just the previous night before they met, she told of how she was on a date with another man.
Article #789
Fear is the critical voice in our head saying: “You’ll never succeed, so why try?”. Fear makes us listen to those voices and give up before we’ve even started.
Article #785
Change is a fact of life and as such, we must either learn to adapt to it or perish. In fact, it is our duty to change, to aspire, to progress, to seek perfection and evolve. Change is natural.
Article #776
To help you find greater clarity toward achieving what matters most to you, carefully consider how you can begin to implement some or all of the following 9 key action steps for a successful mindset. Once you realize the potential impact these points can have in your life, you will certainly want to make them a part of your everyday action plan for success.