Articles in Managing Emotions
Article #748
When someone goes from one relationship to another, they are often described as having a rebound relationship. And this can takes place within a very short time of one ending and the other beginning; so there is very little time in between each one.
Article #744
Knowing when to say no is a major first step in getting to yes. How? Psychologically, when people hear no their immediate reaction is how they can turn that ‘no’ into a yes. For instance, when you tell the car salesperson not today, they begin to figure out ways to make the deal even sweeter – to your advantage.
Post #742
Friday Video: TED Talk – Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness — sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Watch through to the end for a sparkling Q&A with some familiar TED faces.
Article #740
Researchers have found that people who write about their deepest thoughts and feelings surrounding upsetting events have stronger immunity and visit their doctors half as often as those who write only about minor events. Exciting research in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that writing about a stressful experience reduces physical symptoms in patients with chronic illnesses.
Article #738
The home inside you is a protected space. Keep it free from people parasites. These are persons who would love to enter and feed off of you. Don’t let that happen. This is your home to be your haven free from disruption.
Article #728
There is a direct link between the emotions that we can or can’t feel and our posture, making posture important where depression is concerned. In the instance of depression, what happens is energy is naturally designed to come up through our spinal column but it’s being kept, by our posture, from coming into the area occupied by the heart. As soon as the energy arrives at the area of the heart, it gets redirected toward the lower half of the body again.
Article #721
Even though it is interesting to realize that fresh research studies are now implying that staying positive may actually have a harmful effect on someone’s weight reduction endeavors, how specifically is this possible?
Article #719
Everybody is insecure about something in their lives… yes everybody. But just because we all have insecurities it doesn’t mean they have to dominate our lives. Here are 4 steps to start living a free, happy and fulfilling life despite your insecurities.
Post #718
Friday Video: TEDx – How to turn fear from a source of anxiety and paralysis into fuel for action and achievement.