Articles in Mental Health
Article #838
What is love addiction, and why are some people addicted to love? How can the problem be identified, and how can those addicted be helped?
Article #829
There is a big voice inside you that keeps telling you to be righteous, good and unselfish, because that is what makes you attractive. The voice sells you a line that your sacrifices will be acknowledged and that you will be justly rewarded. Unfortunately this is a myth you are seduced into buying, until you find yourself heartbroken, bitterly disappointed and at a loss as to how to be in the world.
Article #826
Get relief from feeling overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, and things-to-do through this 5-step process. Stop your mind chatter from controlling you and keeping you feeling stuck.
Article #820
Knowledge without imagination will achieve little in this life. But knowledge paired with imagination and self-belief opens the door to infinite possibilities.
Article #819
One of the most complex and well developed theories on the inferiority complex is that of Alfred Adler. If you want to understand this concept well, his theory will provide significant help.
Article #797
Playing the “victim” gets a bad rap in pop psychology circles. We have all been truly victimized in our lives at some point or another, but playing the victim is different from that in that it means that we’re looking outside of ourselves and are helpless in the face of…
Article #790
Since the end of August, I’m sure there are many people out there like myself who are surprised that the end of the summer is coming fast upon us! I want to share with you the #1 tip to help time slow down a bit so we can appreciate it and feel more in control of it.
Article #786
I think it would be fair to say that we all have a tendency to take things personally. It’s just that some of us have a greater tendency than others to do so. And, when it happens, some of us are better able to deal with it within ourselves than others.
Article #784
How do you know when a histrionic personality-disordered person has entered into your life? Just ask yourself the following questions. Then answer them honestly. If these relationship issues are some of the same questions bouncing around inside of your head, chances are excellent that you’re involved with a histrionic.
Post #783
Friday Video: TED Talk – Behind those funny animal videos, sometimes, are oddly human-like problems. Laurel Braitman studies non-human animals who exhibit signs of mental health issues — from compulsive bears to self-destructive rats to monkeys with unlikely friends.