Articles in Motivation
George Bernard Shaw once said that if you find something funny, search it for hidden truth. Here are few pearls of wisdom packaged in humour.
Optimist: There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Pessimist: Come again? Didn’t I just tell you how bad everything is?
This article cannot only be applied to sports, but also to any area peak performance is needed. Sports Psychology is about improving your attitude and mental game skills to help you perform your best by identifying limiting beliefs and embracing a healthier philosophy about your sport. Below is a list of the top ten ways that you can benefit from sports psychology:
In our busy world of ambitious people and out of balance lives, we often forget to take care of our bodies, our creative artistic or musical side, our adventurous side, our inner child selves, and other parts of ourselves.
Which part of you is in charge of the holidays – your judgmental self or your loving self?
When you break life into 15-minute chunks you can do (or refrain from) just about anything.
Clutter is a big problem for many people. At a lecture that I gave, I asked for a show of hands regarding how many people had problems with clutter and disorganization. I was surprised to find that at least half the people raised their hands.
Everyday people change, as well as circumstances, needs, and feelings. This is but normal, for there are relationships that are built to last, while there are those that can only go on for so long.
Considering a work-from-home business? Clients often say their biggest fear is loss of momentum. Here are seven tips to keep yourself motivated and productive.
by: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
How can you be more effective at creative problem solving? Use these six key principles of creative problem solving. Avoid the common mistakes that are made when attempting to solve problems.