Articles in Problem Solving

Being a hypnotherapist and having had the privilege of observing hundreds of people one to one, I have learned to really look – and I mean really observe people, not just listen to them.

This article focuses on the importance of developing the skill of super observation when looking directly at the people in your life and also when thinking about them and their behaviour.

The expression “the total is greater than the sum of its parts” resonates loudly with respect to social skills. Knowing what to say and how to act are basic social skills that anyone can learn. Techniques and methods are available to develop all social skills. Here are five tips on how to learn and integrate social skills into your daily life.

Professional stand up comic Lisa Corrao discusses how to deal with bombing in stand up comedy.

Whatever happened to, “I’m sorry?” 10 very important things to remember in providing outstanding customer service.

It takes all kinds of people to make up the world we live in. In life, we have the opportunity to meet many people. Some of them we find are too difficult to deal with. These are the people we end up not liking and we try and avoid them as much as possible. Keeping well away from them might be the right thing to do. But sometimes there are situations where it is impossible to avoid them.

Have you observed that some of the same kinds of things keep happening in your life? Perhaps you have experienced money problems repeating, relationship struggles resurfacing, or health issues returning. This is because there is a continuity to the energies you expended in the past and they continue to affect you until they are altered by new energies or until they run their course and exhaust themselves.

Like most individuals on this planet, I have spent a good deal of time fantasizing about the life I would have if only I could choose. Perhaps, you too can change your life simply by asking yourself “why not”.

The primary difference between a lustful and a loving relationship is that while in a loving relationship the partners place a high value on the happiness of their partner, a lustful relationship is one in which the partners are consumed by their own desires.

Attraction is such a powerful emotion that it can suck you into some completely irrational situations. If you’re deeply attracted to someone but the relationship just doesn’t make sense whatsoever, you will certainly want to seek advice from trusted friends and family before making any decisions.