Articles in Problem Solving

If you want to lose weight, pay off your credit card, or get organized, you have a bigger decision to make.

Breaking up is never an easy process, especially if you never saw it coming. At this stage, it may feel easier for you to hold on to the broken pieces and memories then to move on. However, the truth is far from this.

Do you feel like you are being judged by your family because you are single? This video may be just the advice you need. Embrace being single!

The holiday season is now upon us. Often the holiday blues come along with the Christmas cheer. We all have the blues at one time or another but the blues are especially common during the Christmas season.

We all have felt anxiety before. No matter how confident and relaxed you are, you know what it’s like to be nervous before an interview, trembling before a speech, or cold and clammy over the pending results of your graded quiz.

The important question is ‘why are we not ourselves?’ What is the pay off for not being ourselves? Ahhh, now we’re talking.

Aggressive body language whether it be passive or combative is never pleasant to be around, especially if you are the person on the receiving end. And while some people deal with angst and frustration better than others, no matter how mature or evolved we think we are, we have all participated in, or being aggressive in nature at some point in our lives.

The following 13 tips are designed to help you make powerful and effective decisions.

Humans are emotional beings and not logical beings and so we are driven by how we feel about things.