Articles in Problem Solving

The 100 mile per hour wind caught my left shoulder and threw me off the plane head over heels. I was suddenly falling out of control, 11,000 feet from the ground.

The mind is like small child, who accepts and takes for granted whatever it sees or hears, without judgment and without considering the consequences. If you let your mind behave as it likes and give it complete freedom, you lose your freedom.

In a world of instant gratification, people jump from “stimulus” to “response” without as much as a second thought. Patience is the “pause” in between that allows us to get the result we are really looking for. Here’s how to develop more patience in you.

Having habits is kind of like having an ‘autopilot’. When we practice our habits we strengthen neural connections. If we do it enough, chores, exercise, eating, work, etc. seem to happen automatically. With a little early discipline, you can create a new habit that is easy to maintain.

Whenever I decide to introduce a new habit into my life, the doubting voice inside my head shouts, “You think you are going to be able to keep that up? Forever?!Who do you think you are– Wonder Woman?” This default response occurs whether I feel the itch to start a new yoga practice or attempt to get out of bed 30 minutes earlier. It pops up if I commit to shutting down my computer at 6:00pm or to taking a 5-minute break from work every couple of hours.

Ah, whiners. Whiners have the capacity to suck possibilities out of a situation faster than Count Dracula can grab a quick snack. Instead of telling you what can be done, whiners spend hours vividly outlining what can’t be done, and why. Had whiners ruled the world, we’d still be sitting in our caves, huddled around the fire complaining we can’t find the remote control.

Nothing stings a woman more than a negative comment coming straight at her. It hurts to be criticized by anyone. When the person saying it happens to be your boyfriend, it makes it that much worse. Men can be critical about many things.

Are you fed up with doing the same thing every day, feeling depressed, lethargic, usually miserable, knowing you will be doing the same thing, and feeling just as depressed tomorrow? Do you need to find ways of improving your life? Here are some tips to help you…

Do You believe you can get anything you want in your life? Seriously, you can have your very own magic genie! What do you want in your Life? Is your life how you want it? The answer to that is usually no! Do you realize how easy it is to create your desires and dreams? No? Read on…

Do you consider that you are second-rate and will not be accepted for what you are? Do you have anxiety attacks when faced with new or unfamiliar situations? This is a strong indication that your self confidence is low and you could be troubled from low self esteem. The answer is in your hands as the best cure for this is self help. Here’s how you can build self esteem.