Articles in Problem Solving

Think for a moment of something that you really like in your life and how good you take care of it, because it holds a special place in your heart. It could be a vase, a car, a garden. Think of how much attention you give it because of the happiness it brings you. That happiness is worth the attention, right? Now take this same attention, and apply it to yourself or someone else.

Poor self esteem can create some real problems in a career or even personal relationships. Everyone should be self-aware and have a sense of what they need to do to boost self confidence for peak performance.

Ever been in a conversation and you just couldn’t get it going smoothly and keep it going; conversations with friends, fellow workers, dating, etc? With the following questions you can actually ‘ask’ your way to keeping a conversation going, Anyone can learn this simple method for moving past the conversational roadblocks that haunt all of us from time to time.

For some people, it is perfectly acceptable to manipulate others. It is almost a life style. How do we protect ourselves against people like that? Dr. George Simon Jr. has written a book with the name “In Sheep’s Clothing. Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People” and is interviewed on Fox News, CNN Live and Channel 5, making this story, an 80% transcript of those interviews.

Coping with disappointment is easier when using solid and effective positive thinking techniques. This article gives you ten creative ways for dealing with disappointment that not only helps you with current disappointments, but sets your brain on a path for avoiding future disappointments.

Conflict is inevitable. When you find the concern behind the conflict, keep your emotions in check, find the core concern behind the conflict and use it as a learning opportunity to find a win/win for you and another person. These six steps will help you resolving most conflicts successfully: defuse emotion, listen and accept, get permission and speak, solicit agreement, work toward resolution, close and agree to let go.

This is a nice reminder of where everything starts. Sometimes people forget it’s the ‘How’ that creates the ‘What’, and it’s the ‘Who’ we are that creates the ‘Why’ we are.
Like a droplet of water on a serene pond, following is a good reminder that what we create in each and every one of our lives not only affects us personally, but will sooner or later reach the shores of others– which will have a collective effect on our existence.

Whether you’re afraid of commitment, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, or intimacy – the process of overcoming these relationship fears is similar. What follows are some quick tips to overcome your relationship fears.

It is important to teach children about taking one step at a time to achieve success. This article provides parenting advice on how to make children understand the importance of achieving little things and keep on working towards your goal….

Research has shown persistence to be as important as talent or intelligence to eventual success. The old adage “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” is profoundly sage advice. Some children seem to be born with single mindedness and focus in pursuit of a goal, while others will seemingly drop an interest or a pursuit at the drop of a hat. This article explores strategies that can help develop persistence in any child.