Do Humans Seek and Create Meaning (Part 4)?
November 11, 2016 – 4:29 pm | No Comment

Article #918
It is through our perception and connection with all life that we can experience meaning and have a fulfilling life.

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Articles in Problem Solving

What’s humor got to do with it?
July 12, 2011 – 8:29 am | No Comment
What’s humor got to do with it?

A short little article that reminds us of the benefits of a sense of humor and the importance of having laughter in our life. Reminders of the very real value there is in living a life full of joy, fun, and laughter

How a Sense of Humor is Essential for a Happy and Loving Relationship
July 11, 2011 – 10:28 pm | No Comment
How a Sense of Humor is Essential for a Happy and Loving Relationship

Humor in relationships, and especially marriages, is an essential antidote to anger, alienation, differences in personality and many conflicts. Lacking or diminishing doubts in the healthy basis of relationships may occur leading to incompatibility and even the decline of the intimacy and love.

Priceless Humor – Get the Admiration of Others by Cultivating a Sense of Humor
July 8, 2011 – 6:49 pm | No Comment
Priceless Humor – Get the Admiration of Others by Cultivating a Sense of Humor

Each and every one of us can cultivate our inner sense of humor to a level that people would admire. Here are some priceless humor tips on how to cultivate yours.

The “Sense” of a Sense of Humor
July 6, 2011 – 3:41 pm | No Comment
The “Sense” of a Sense of Humor

This article is an introduction to many articles to come regarding exercising our personal sense of humor. Laughter can be the best medicine when handling the many challenges of life. If we can own our “sense” of humor, and I do mean ‘own up to’ our own point of view, it gives us a personal sense of control. This article is also about the philosophy of a senses of humor. Each person on an individual, societal, and moral level have different senses of humor.

Connecting to Others-20 Tips to Make Your Life Easier
July 4, 2011 – 11:30 pm | No Comment
Connecting to Others-20 Tips to Make Your Life Easier

This article has to do with what we can do about what gets in the way of our ability to make a connection to create new relationships in our lives.

Handling Rejection When Dating
July 1, 2011 – 9:10 pm | No Comment
Handling Rejection When Dating

Handling rejections, especially rejections in dating can be really humiliating, frustrating and hard to digest for most of us. However, instead of drowning yourself in a wave of self pity, you can come out with some pearls of wisdom and experience, that will help you immensely on all your future dates. Read this article to know about handling rejection when dating.

6 Tips to Handle Rejection
June 30, 2011 – 5:22 pm | No Comment
6 Tips to Handle Rejection

Even the best persons in the world get rejected. A-list Hollywood actresses do not end up coveting plum roles. Some professors are not accepted in Ivy League universities. Rejections are a part of life—and something that is hard to fathom most of the time.

How To Manage Fear And Rejection And Still Be Successful
June 29, 2011 – 8:08 pm | No Comment
How To Manage Fear And Rejection And Still Be Successful

This article is not for the faint of heart. If you have come up against the Fears of Failure and Rejection, and they have stopped you in your tracks then you need to read on.

How to Recognize the Self-Sabotage Behavior of Self-Doubt
June 28, 2011 – 8:08 pm | No Comment
How to Recognize the Self-Sabotage Behavior of Self-Doubt

You don’t have to live with self-doubt! It is SELF-manufactured and it can be SELF-extracted. You should always question your inner doubts. If you have a desire to do something, you must assume that – somewhere inside yourself – is a part of you that knows you could and should accomplish your desired goal.

7 Tips to Help You Manage Negative Thinking and Self-Sabotage
June 28, 2011 – 1:59 am | No Comment
7 Tips to Help You Manage Negative Thinking and Self-Sabotage

Negative thinking and self-sabotage are the main culprits that erode our self-esteem and the ability to be successful in life. You can never really move forward in your life if you are shackled with a deep sense of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thinking that keeps you tied down to the swampy lowlands of mediocrity. So today I’m going to give you 7 tips on how you can overcome this tendency to beat yourself black and blue and come out bright and shiny!

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