Articles in Self Esteem
You’ve decided to refuse to play your part in the dysfunctional relationship(s) by choosing to be assertive. When we are assertive we choose to handle ourselves, our reactions, our relationships, and stressful situations in a healthy, responsible, and non-manipulative manner. We understand that we have choices. Remember that you will be treated exactly as you feel you deserve to be treated. Communication is a learned skill.
Emotional dependency is a concept that covers two things people active in addiction or in early addiction recovery really aren’t very good at; emotions and relationships.
“The group you work with has a level of self-esteem based on the composite self-esteem levels of the individuals in the group. We each take to the workplace (works the same in families) our level of awareness,…and our ability to stay in present-time and not let past hurts be projected onto others….One of the most important things we do is model and reflect to others how we value ourselves….”
How many times have you found yourself saying yes when what you really wanted to say was no. If you find yourself doing this more often than not then you can learn to say no by applying the following tips…
There is all kinds of criticism and no doubt we have already run into all forms of it. It can come in a polite constructive manner, it can be harsh or sometimes just outright rude. However, it is the way in which you decide to use the criticism that is how it’s going to actually affect you. Any kind of criticism can be used to help better your career or even build your self-esteem, but the only way that will happen is if you don’t let yourself get bogged down by the negative parts of criticism.
Universally, women are regarded as inferior. It’s a challenge for women to find self-acceptance, balance in their lives, and autonomy in their relationships. Developing good self-esteem is the key.
People who experience autonomy report higher levels of psychological health and social functioning. They have an increased sense of well-being and self-esteem. When you lack autonomy, you’re more controlled by what others do, think, and feel, and adapt accordingly. You’d react to and worry about someone else’s expectations and reactions and defer to their opinion. You might have difficulty making decisions and taking action on your own. Find out about autonomy and suggestions to empower yourself.
There is no need to work longer hours, take on 2nd jobs, set up strict budgets or sell personal property in order to stay afloat. Money problems are not causing your stress. Stress is causing your money problems! My goal is to help you remember the key to financial freedom and release your number one blockage to money – fear of lack. Prosperity IS your birthright.
Friday Video: TED Talk – With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves.
From relatives to co-workers, most of us know people who tend to pick apart and analyze what we do and say. Here are thoughts on effectively handling these situations and not becoming a victim when you are their target.