Articles in Time Management
Article #759
Here’s 5 tips that may help you better organize your time.
Article #617
Time. It is arguably our most valuable commodity. Unlike treasured gems, precious metals and any other prized possessions, time can’t be hoarded, collected, earned, or bought with hard work, money, dignity or our soul. It slips away whether or not we choose to pack meaning into it. Use it or lose it, so goes the saying.
Article #530
Our ability to concentrate and focus is like a muscle that is strengthened through exercise. Jumping from one task to the next is less productive.
Wherever you believe you are today, living the kind of life you desire or experiencing the emotions of a life as yet unfulfilled, one truth is that, ‘the way in which you decided to spend your time over the past few years has brought you to where you are right now!’
This article gives a good overview of how people waste time that could be profitable. There are 50 fast ways to waste less time included in the text. Business managers, workers, and even parents will benefit from making better use of their time.The methods offered here are realistic and easy to learn. Finally, people have a simple path to follow in making more usable time during their days.