Do Humans Seek and Create Meaning (Part 4)?
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Article #918
It is through our perception and connection with all life that we can experience meaning and have a fulfilling life.

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How Do People Remember You?

Submitted by on July 8, 2012 – 10:02 pmNo Comment

by John Cane

Recently I was out at a restaurant where I ran into two of my old elementary school teachers.  Both of them amazingly remembered me from over 40 years ago.  My fifth grade teacher said, “Oh I remember you, you were always smiling.”  And my sixth grade teacher mentioned he knew exactly who I was, “You sat right in the middle in the front row.  I remember you were so shy.”

I was honored that they remembered me from such a long time ago, and for nice reasons.  This got me thinking about this article and how people remember us.  Some people have a good idea of how they treat others and how to act around others.   Then there are those who mean well, but don’t like to be inconvenienced by what others think.  And some people don’t have a clue how their actions affect other people.

This article is about an easy way to not only be happier, but is also about how leaving an impression can attract opportunities into our lives or push them away.

Think about it now:

  1. Who are the people you remember the easiest?  Who are the people you enjoy the memories of and maybe the place you were when with them?  Who are the people you feel you can trust or rely on in a pinch, and give you a sense of security in knowing that?  Who are the people that make you smile when you think of them?
  2. Now think about the people or situations you would rather forget or it would be no big deal if you ever saw them again in your lifetime.

Did you notice a shift in your emotional energy?  Did you notice how you felt lighter when thinking about #1 above and how that lightness left you as you thought of #2.

Everything is energy—that’s how we get things done; body, mind and spirit.  Emotional energy is powerful.  Either we feel like doing something or we don’t or maybe somewhere in-between, and there are all kinds of variables that effect how we do what we do.  Bottom line is, it all comes down to energy; ours and that of others, period.

Many of you already know this.  It’s hardly rocket science.  The question is, are you applying this insight on a moment to moment daily basis?  Someone once said “Stupidity is contagious”, meaning that although we know better, we sometimes don’t do the good or right thing because someone or a group of people are not doing it.  How does this apply to being happier and attracting more people, more opportunities into your life?  Simple, be aware of the energy you give off by the way you feel first before you give it.

For example, if you have a nagging voice in your head that makes you feel like crap that chronically complains about how unfair life is, how bad your job is, the weather is, how bad your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, kids, dog, cat, etc. (you get the picture) is, before you share your BS with someone else, think about the feeling/ energy you are leaving them with.  Think about the people you know in your life that you avoid for this very reason, or worse yet think of the people you habitually hang around with where this sense of chronic complaining is the norm.   Realize how much time it eats up and what is actually getting done as a result of it other than a daily, weekly, monthly bitch session.

I think the worst part of the feeling is we start living a life of banal necessity; a dull, predictable existence because of a limited view we have created for ourselves.  Our daily basic obligations consume time and energy and it feels as though we are just going through the motions with no way out.

If what I said above sounded a bit disturbing or bummed you out for a moment, good!  Congratulations you know the difference.  However, if you read that and said to yourself, “It’s just the way life is”, you may never get what you want.

Here’s the point:  Opportunity will come your way when you are happy and as a natural result you will give that happiness to others in the process.  And in the moment you do affect others in a positive way, they will remember you for the right reasons.  People like people that like life.  If people sense that you can choose what’s healthiest for you and others, if you can choose to be happy, they will also have a tendency to trust you more.

I know many people I would call even if I don’t know if they have the expertise or not in getting a job done.  Nonetheless, they are still my first choice to give an opportunity to.  I call them because I know I can count on them.


About the Author

John Cane is a motivational speaker and writer who develops and implements confidence and self-esteem workshops in North Carolina, South Carolina, and New York. With a background in Psychology, John has six certifications in Personal Growth and Development.  His Journal Books, ‘Important Things I Remember from My Parents’ are used in schools and as an aid for adults in gaining strength in self identity in the United States and Europe.

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