Do Humans Seek and Create Meaning (Part 4)?
November 11, 2016 – 4:29 pm | No Comment

Article #918
It is through our perception and connection with all life that we can experience meaning and have a fulfilling life.

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7 Ways to Increase Brain Power

Submitted by on November 10, 2010 – 10:15 pmNo Comment

Why do people think that if they just sit and wait things will come to them?  Life is once.  That’s it.  I said it.  It may sound harsh, but that’s the bottom line.  Speaking of bottom, get off it and stop complaining about how life has been unfair to you.  I have three words for you if that’s the head game you’re playing with yourself—boo ‘effen hoo.

There’s an old saying that goes something like, ‘You get more of what you focus on’.  An art teacher once gave me advice regarding a painting I was doing—she said, “If you don’t like it, paint over it.”  I have found that advice to be very helpful in all of life’s situations.  If you don’t like what’s in front of you, CHANGE IT.

Here are 7 simple ways you can boost your brain power and decrease laziness.  Achieve these and you will realize success in other things as well! Success demands action!

1. Improve yourself every day!  If you haven’t noticed, growth is a part of life.  The Universe expands every day, and guess what?  That includes you.  You cannot escape growth.  So why not take the ride creation is offering you?  Improvement is growth simplified.  Okay so you don’t like to read, watch self improvement videos, listen to CDs, etc?  Well here’s a news flash, you think education’s expensive, try ignorance.  We are in the ‘Information Age’.  Actually, more like the Too Much Information Age.  Everywhere you look there’s information to help you improve whatever you need to improve.  Grow wherever you need to grow.  There is a reason for that little space at the upper right hand corner of your browser—it’s not hard to figure out—SEARCH!

2. Understand there are many ways to the top of the mountain and your way may be working just fine for you.  But, I met someone a while back that shared his life story with me regarding being an ex-addict (drugs, alcohol, etc.).  I’ll call him, ‘Bob’.  Bob had an awful time with taking things too far.  To make a long story short, he finally stopped his abusive behavior toward himself and others when he had a stroke as the result of an overdose.  Needless to say, he did some serious damage which left him paralyzed.  The doctors said he would never walk again, but through a stubbornness and perseverance Bob managed to get to walk again—handicapped but walking. Toward the end of our conversation he mentioned that self-help books never did anything for him.  He thought they are a bunch of BS.  Personally speaking I think self-help books are great…If you apply what is read.  In other words, actually learning how to be another way and at the same time still maintain the true you.

Bob is a guy with great skills to take chances and persevere.  His stubbornness also makes him a great doubter—which can come in handy if you apply it constructively as a critic to get things done or maintain quality in some way.  Why do I share this opinion with you?  Because we sometimes misdirect our energy and the innate skills we are born with.  When you learn about a better way to do something, but are still not taking the path of least resistance and applying your energy into thoughts and behaviors which are self destructive, you may want to take a good long look in the mirror and ask, “WHY?”

You can stop self-destructive behavior when you find something better to do than abusing yourself.  Challenge fears and follow what you love to do to be happy.  You won’t have to look for substances or needing people to like you to get artificial happiness.  Also as a result of being happy, you make others happy too and have authentic friendships and relationships—people will like you for being you.  When you really start doing what you love to do and start living how you need to live to pursue your dreams, you stop putting things in your own way that cloud your perspective and ability to do your best.

Self-help books, CDs, videos, seminars are great.  But you have to apply what you learn personally, knowing you are worth it.  Bob did things his own way, which is cool—more power to him.  He is now doing lectures around the country on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.  Some might say that’s his path and his purpose for this life.  The Universe is a mysterious place and that may be.  I guess the question you might ask yourself is, “How do I want to live the rest of my life?”

3. Time is a limited commodity.  Cut down on TV, gossiping, Facebook or whatever it is you do that makes you feel like you did nothing for hours.  Do you really need to know if someone has a migraine or is studying hard and stressed out about their day tomorrow?  Believe me, if it’s an emergency I’m sure they (or someone else) will call 911. Your time is worth more.  Remember time is a limited commodity.   We spend time, we use time.  Do you really value ‘time’?  If you had to spend a dollar for every hour you used, how much would you be spending, using up?  And what are you getting on your return?  Do you appreciate time so it can appreciate?  Increase your interest in time and interest will be compounded daily.  Commit to self improvement daily and you will be successful in your own way.  The real definition of success is to just be happy—success is never really the result of anything hard. Don’t over look the significant easy to ignore daily steps. Successful people are consistent each and every day. SEARCH and ye shall find.  Or a saying I like even better, “A dog that trots about finds a bone.”

4. Exercise should be a daily routine in everyone’s life. I can just hear it now—“Paleeze!”  I can understand where just about anyone is coming from when they justify not exercising.  I’ve been there.  However, I also know what I feel like when I exercise and when I don’t.  When I don’t exercise I feel tired, slow and my awareness seems dull.  And sometimes because I am tired, I misinterpret the fatigue as hunger and I eat too much.  When I exercise, I feel sharp and able to take on most anything.  I feel prepared.

Please understand that I don’t advise anyone on how to get some daily exercise.  All I suggest is what is suggested in research based on personal ability to function, body type, age, weight, and health level.  I have been a distance runner for over thirty years—that’s what works for me.  My Mom on the other hand is eighty-eight years young.  Upon awakening in the morning, she does one hundred stomach crunches, a variety of leg exercises and stretches, and walks on her treadmill every other day for thirty to forty minutes.  To say the least, you have to be a pretty hard case to convince me exercise is not worth it to you.

The more you exercise the better you feel and how you feel about yourself.  When we exercise we challenge ourselves on a personal level.  We are more open to change, and increase our ability to focus. It also strengthens our sense of commitment and stick-to-itive-ness (is that a word?).

When we exercise our endorphins flow (the body’s own morphine) our energy level jumps up, we are less tired, our body is more efficient, we get sick less because our immune system becomes stronger, and we have a tendency to eat foods that contribute to an overall healthiness to keep our energy levels high.   Get your blood pumping. The average person generally feels better after exercise. Exercise has the power to change your perspective on life and the way others perceive you.  It can open doors of opportunity.

5. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet provides us with the energy needed daily to accomplish goals. Our daily performance is a reflection of what we eat. What and how we eat can have a huge impact on our emotions, attitude and confidence.  I was a fat kid, had low self-esteem, yada, yada, yada.  Food was my buuuddy.  It made me happy.  Well obviously that’s not true.  Food doesn’t have the power to make you happy.  It’s what you think something holds for you to make you happy—and of course how accessible it is.

I realized food really meant something to me when I had to go on a diet.  It felt like I was in a box with limited rations.  Also, a friend once said I had a look when I ate a meal as if I “…had a job to do.”  I must have really been focused.  I don’t feel there is anything wrong with loving food, but I do believe one can go too far where food becomes a preoccupation as a  form of self medicating or entertainment.

Here’s the thing though when combining love of food and exercise.  I also eat so I can have energy to exercise.  Even though I eat whatever I want, I have a tendency to eat foods that don’t make me tired so I can fully enjoy more in life.  High fat diets can not only make you fat fast, but they can also make your energy crash big time after a high fat meal—leading to what you don’t need—inactivity.  This can turn into a vicious cycle of fatigue—eat—sleep—eat.  Get the picture?  You’re well on your way to fatdom.  Look at it this way, to participate in life you’re gonna need energy.  When you have more energy you give yourself more opportunities because you’re able to take action when action is needed.

6. Commit to challenge! Challenge is about taking on the new.  Every year I try to visit a different country to feel the challenge of exploration and adventure.  When you humble yourself it makes you feel like a little kid all over again.  You become wide-eyed in anticipation to what’s to come.  It’s exhilarating!  Well it’s for the experience too, but I actually like to put myself in a position of not knowing what to expect, and seeing how people of other cultures view life. It can really boost and recharge your sense of confidence and inspiration.  Any time we go on an adventure we rekindle our sense of freedom.  When we feel free, we have a tendency to be more flexible when confronted by life’s unexpected challenges.

Do things which are within your financial range.  You can try mountain climbing, bike riding, learn a new language, or just go for a drive. Do all you can to improve daily.  This isn’t to say you are lacking or unsatisfactory now.  An oak tree is not deficient because it starts out as an acorn. Remember, everything in the Universe grows in its own way for its own reasons to fulfill its purpose in relation to everything working together perfectly.  Find new things to keep your mind and body sharp! Build on your success one step at a time.

After accomplishing something that challenges you pat yourself on the back and move forward.  Be sure to give credit when due.  Also, remember that trying does count.  Any effort in the right direction counts.  Commend yourself for at least doing rather than just talking about doing. Have a never ending will to learn something new and be more than you were yesterday. This can make life meaningful to you. You can do this in relationships, health, business, family, and in as many things as you can. You will become a well rounded person and extremely marketable if you accept this idea as well.

7. Reflect on where you are at from time to time.  I’m not talking location.  This is about where your head is and where you need to be to be happy and satisfied with life.  A good sign you need to do this is when you are beginning to feel overwhelmed.  Sometimes we can get so busy we don’t feel as though we are improving and growing.  Or we don’t feel as though we have the time to learn something new.  The odd part is, even though we’re busy we almost feel like we aren’t going anywhere at the same time. Some of us have very busy lives, where there seems like there is no room for improvement.

Sometimes we need to slow down and have another look at what we are doing and reassess if we need to realign ourselves with our core principles and values—our true purpose in life in relation to others.  Take time out of your daily routine to stop and listen to your self. Throw away the limiting activities, the clutter in your life—both mental and physical. When we stop and listen to ourselves, we boost our self worth out of self respect for making time to listen—just like we do for others. Replace wasteful activities with something that makes you feel good and empowers you. You deserve it.

I know some of what I said sounded harsh.  I know this because some of the people I love tell me this.  It is not my intention to be mean to you, just tough.  Remember, a good friend is someone that will tell you exactly how it is. I am direct with you because life is short.  Have fun now.  I  care about your success and future.

If you’re not achieving what you want out of life, it’s time to buck up and trust yourself more.  Let go of blame—now.  Research supports that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be successful.  Most millionaires started from the bottom up.  They had a good idea and committed to following through to achieve their dreams.  Believe in your good ideas. Ultimately you have the first and last say in everything you think, say and do—you decide.

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