Do Humans Seek and Create Meaning (Part 4)?
November 11, 2016 – 4:29 pm | No Comment

Article #918
It is through our perception and connection with all life that we can experience meaning and have a fulfilling life.

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Acts of Kindness

Submitted by on November 24, 2010 – 9:47 pmNo Comment

I am all over how people treat people.  Why?  I think it comes down to a strong moral and ethical upbringing, military background, over 25 years in the restaurant industry as well as a business etiquette trainer for one of the biggest banks in the world.  I have always cared about how people treat people.  Not to say that most people don’t care, just that it really gets under my skin when I see inappropriate behavior being dished out to customers, friends, family, lovers, etc.

Understand I am no saint and I do make mistakes too.  However, I do know that in researching and writing articles like this helps me to keep a human (or is that humane) perspective and mindful (my friend’s favorite word) of how I am acting moment to moment.

I think it doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves of what’s important to our core from time to time.

So here is a list of things that can keep you in good graces with others, as well as help you to feel the love in the process.

Easy Acts of Kindness

Make someone’s day…

Say “Good morning” to everyone you see.

Pay the toll for the driver behind you.

Take a minute to direct someone who is lost, even if you ‘don’t have the time to’.

Say hi to people you’ve tried to avoid in the past.

Talk to or write a letter to a child who could use some extra attention.

Walk with an elderly person and enjoy a pleasant conversation.
Give a homeless person your doggie bag.

Say “I love you” to someone you love.

Put a coin in an expired meter.

Help a mother when she has a stroller—hold a door open for her.

When you meet someone, give a good firm handshake, great eye contact and a big smile.

Each time you get a new item of clothing, give away something old.

Take someone’s shift as the car-pool parent.

Take your time when getting on the elevator at work.  Let others get on before you.

Bring a coworker coffee.

Out of the blue, send flowers to a friend.

Say “please” and “thank you”.

When you’re on a crowded train or bus, offer your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person.

Don’t interrupt when someone is explaining themselves or when others are engaged in a conversation.

Say, “Excuse me” when in the aisle walking in front of someone at the grocery store.

Let a fellow driver merge into your lane.

Offer to baby-sit for a single mom.

Put your shopping cart back in its place.

Call or write to a teacher who changed your life.

Forgive someone a debt–and never bring it up again.

Listen with all your senses.

Be aware of how people mistreat others and make it a point not to follow the same bad habit.

Just listen when someone needs to unload.  Hug if appropriate.

Make time for conversation with friends, family, partner, significant other, etc.

Write a note to the boss of someone who helps you, and explain how great a job that person is doing.

Simply say “I’m sorry” when you’re wrong.

Throw away your trash—and someone else’s—after a movie, picnic, visit to a park, employee break room, etc.

Encourage someone who seems unhappy.

Volunteer to take care of a friend’s dog while he is vacationing.

Help a friend move.

Ask someone “How are you doing?”—and then really listen so you can help if needed.

Offer change when the person in front of you at the register comes up short.

Before a friend moves away, give her your favorite recipe or quote and a photo of the two of you together.

Leave a generous tip for a pleasant waiter.

At work, offer to transfer a caller who needs help from another department.

Pass along a great book you’ve just finished reading.

Tell a friend you appreciate their friendship and are grateful they are in your life.

Tell the special person in your life why you love them.

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